In essence, this film is an epic of Russian life. But in fact, the implementation of an idea suggested by documentarian Vitaly Mansky. A chain of intertwined stories about life on the coast, taken from Vitaly Mansky’s film “Broadway. The Black Sea” and turned into a sequel by Alexander Rastorguev.
The setting of the film is a self-proclaimed settlement, where people who cannot afford a “civilized” vacation come in the summer.
In the first story, there is a beach photographer and his camel, in the second – the head of the local mafia, in the third – a failed actress, in the fourth – a couple of cool guys, one of whom aims to become a deputy, in the fifth – a half-lilliputian, for whom his friends arrange a fake wedding with a hefty “Kustodievsky” girl, in the sixth – the President of Russia visiting Kuban…
Director Alexander Rastorguev was killed during filming in the Central African Republic in 2018.